2015 Season
South Portland High School Marching Band honors the work of composer James Horner.
Marching to audience favorites like “Avatar,” “Apollo 13,” “The Perfect Storm,” “Braveheart,” and “ Titanic,” the 2015 South Portland High School Marching Band finished their annual pre-season camp with a performance for their family and friends, followed by the traditional barbecue. About 70 students attended a seven-day camp in preparation for the Maine Band Directors Association’s (MBDA) opening season of Marching Band shows, which begin on September 20th at Marshwood High School. Under the direction of Craig Skeffington, and led by Drum Major Kira Babcock, the SPHS award-winning Gold Medal marching band will perform music selections from composer James Horner for their 2015 season. All MBDA events are rated against an established standard of performance excellence and are based on a five-star system. The season culminates with the finals on October 31st at Thornton Academy.